I applaud your courage at bragging and your achievement! Yet your story about Tim Denning brings up a disappointment, as I once responded to one of his stories with a full on rant, and never heard back. I even put a link to it in a Medium facebook publication that did not publish it. As a writer who has not put in such efforts or not gotten such fame as is, it took courage for me to invite him to a writing challenge to demonstrate that writers are not replaceable.
Months later I read this quote from a dear, person who lived "a spiritual life with practical feet": Beware lest ye offend the feelings of anyone, or sadden the heart of any person, or move the tongue in reproach of and finding fault with anybody, whether he is friend or stranger,"" That is from Abdu'l Baha.
Perhaps I might apologize here or the aspect of the rant I wrote that contained reproach, perchance he may read it, if he also reads the comments on such stories. (Although the challenge remains...)
Finally I'd like to give the Penofgold certificate, humble as it is, to the writer who labors diligently on writing, perhaps even works on a piece 12 hours or into the early morning, or for days, and it contains gems for the few that read it, it is holy, vulnerable, and, perhaps out of the box and not so noticeable by algorhythms.
I want to that you for your many helpful tips - Tim Denning is right-on about that.