I'll be quick because I need to cut down the 3800 word essay I've created -- I think I'll earn a distinction for the longest entry.... Sorry to hear about your popular pieces not receiving trending part, I don't understand about why people in non-Western countries aren't eligible for "saying grace with Dr. Yildiiz" (from your piece)... For a global organization it is strange and seems unjust. I don't know if it's some systems policy that prevents it in some countries or not. If not - ?? I I don't understand the top writer thing - it seems to appear and disappear perhaps due to constantly changing stats (I've heard to photograph it when you catch it). Your note about writing from the heart inflenced me, somehow stayed in me as a prompt. Thank you for that. I guess my heart is very talkative. I think I've written a creative non-fiction piece instead of an essay and it may go somewhere else after more editing than I'm used to. Bit my writing buddies are really into re-writing! Best to you!