It is a complex situation and the slaughter and devastation in Gaza is cruel and terrible. I am nonpartisan, from the U.S. but scared of some of the rhetoric from one of the sides about military control that sounds very like one of the phases the Nazis implemented.
I went to one of my physicians who, after our visit, told me 135 of her relatives were killed in Gaza. This was shocking. She showed me photos.
Then she told me that the people in Gaza want to get rid of everyone in Israel. They feel that , according to their teachings, that land belongs to them and it is their right to kill all the people in Israel. When in the discussion it came out that my father was a rabbi, (she knew I was a Baha'i but not of Jewish background), she said that all of the people in Israel should go back to where they come from.
where my father came from in Tarnobrzeg, Poland, he was sent home naked in the snow in kindergarten for asking to go to the bathroom, because he was Jewish.
May there be peace, and much consultation and mediation, instead of wars--if not in our lifetimes, as soon as possible. May we contribute to peace.