It's a long share.... I'm glad to see your message. These are resources that are illuminating (big time) for me.
I just saw that the co-founder of the Virtues Project Linda Kavelin-Popov, who I’ve admired for years and have learned from, is giving a talk tomorrow night for youth. Though it is for youth, I think it will be very valuable for youth of any age. I rarely see her giving talks these days. The info is on her Facebook page, Talk is Feb. 1, 7:30 pm US Eastern. 4:30 Pacific US. You see there is a brief devotional first - where people from whatever spiritual or inspirational background can feel free to share (or not). You could skip that if not interested
Her blog and books are deep and beautiful. Here is a link to her blog:
This text is from a site called Virtue Matters. I believe this is the text of one of the decks of cards, the Virtues Reflection Cards by Linda Kavelin-Popov and Dan Popov. (They include quotes from various sources and spiritual paths).
(There is an app for the phone on the Virtues Project. I’ll try to remember to send it when I find it if you'd like.)
"Confidence is having faith in ourselves and in life.
We feel capable and competent. We trust that we have the strength to cope with whatever happens. Confidence helps us to be free of worry.
When we are confident in others, we believe in them and rely on them.
We build self-confidence as we learn from our mistakes and improve for the better. Confidence brings the strength to try new things, to gain mastery through practice. With confidence, we cast off self-limiting beliefs and doubts.
We offer our gifts as a worthy contribution. When opportunity comes, we step up to it. We just say “yes”.
“Do not, therefore, throw away your confidence, for it carries a great reward.”
Hebrews, 10:35
Practicing Confidence
I have the strength to face what life brings me.
I act with self-assurance.
I treat others as trustworthy.
I bless my mistakes and learn from them.
I patiently practice until I master something.
I fully express my talents and ideas
I maintain a positive attitude.
I am thankful for the gift of confidence. It helps me to contribute fully and freely.
shared with the permission of
The Virtues Project
(“Click on “do a virtues pick” on their web-site for a random Virtues Card to acknowledge or invite you to that virtue. It's fun).
Another wonderful resource:
This is a video about Fear Melters on the site “Big Leap Home” with Katie (Kathlyn) Hendricks. Their work is also on “The Foundation for Conscious Living:.