Sure. Happy to share a quote that came to mind when you described details about tending to emotional wounds n your article, Patrice S. Williams.
“I have learned in recent years that my faults, the defects that keep me from creating the work I want to do, are not flaws or failures. They are wounds. The merest shift in the word shifts attitude. As failures, flaws, defects, I want to crush them underfoot, smash their noses in, impale their heads upon a pike and mount it on the tower wall. But this is my very soul I am impaling there, the essence of my heart. Block, the inability to proceed, signals not a defect but a wound exposed; and curiously in our wounds lie our divinity…healing comes from tenderness. Embrace the wounds, wash them, bandage them, with loving care.” — Sophy Burnham.
This reminds me to be gentle with mistakes and failures — it is a shame fire-extinguisher.