I'm sorry for your loss of your dear relative Anne Gibson. It seems from thinking of her you see the importance of each person lost. Thank you for this important and uncommon perspective about unity being more important than anything else! And congratulations for your piece being published in "Mind Cafe". My friend in Israel recently got her 3rd vaccine. After about six months she learned she had no antibodies left to fight COVID. I'm thinking a lot about this as my class is having a reunion in person. Some of us are very close it being six months since we were vaccinated.
I feel the society in US is in a pretend /denial pattern that things are sort of OK because a little while back they were OK and we want them life to be more normal and less oppressive than during the lockdowns. We seem to think what happened in India is way off, not close to here. The nurses and doctors are not in this denial...I heard one resident spending ridiculous hours in the ICU ask aloud on radio, why are people choosing to gather for holidays and occasions?
What a difficult choice Anne had to make. I imagine her proud of you for being a voice for unity.