The article, “Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters” is impressively well-written McKay Coppins. While I’m trying to step aside from the divisiveness of politics, I can’t help thinking of a particular denomination that has been particularly impacted by the policy changes since 2017. They have become “criminals” in the past three years. Wait — many did not make it that long.
I'd like to mourn the approximately 9.000 migrants who've died trying to cross the Sonoran desert, and the hundreds of unaccompanied minors, who after being deported were untraceable by families and human service organizations.
I suppose that many of these migrant families and individuals were Catholics who prayed to live to the same one Creator to whom many of us pray. So many met horrific deaths (and God knows what other cruelties, though we’ve heard of some) due to the sacredness of their lives not being valued. Instead, those who searched for asylum were criminalized. In America.
I hope people of all spiritual paths and faiths and those who consider themselves atheists or agnostic will contact their representatives or organizations trying to alleviate the migrants suffering because torture is going on amongst us while we look the other way. There are so many other things to look at these days. This is the hidden one.
Guadalupe needs some help here, as do angels of many stripes in heaven.
You can be a follower of Muhammad or Jesus or Buddha or whomever. Always, they said that the most essential factor is to love your neighbor. And to love you.
- Detailed documentation about the status of migrant families is available at “The First Solution” on