What an intense experience for that doctor and woman! I've seen in person and on video talks of Reinee Passarow who had a very llong near death experience, well two. (I might have spelled her name wrong). It was very very inspiring. "Death is a messenger of joy". Death is being free of the cage and going closer and closer to God in a way we can't conceive of here. The soul is a heavenly gem. It will assume a form that best fits it in the next life. There will be no gender. It will manifest lovingkindness and other virtues. It will provide leaven for the arts in this world. If we knew how great it was we would hasten to get there... I think you are very well placed as a nurse in the ER! I saw a movie tonight about nurses who were in a prisoner camp for over two years - 104 of them. Susan Sarandon starred. These nurses were beyond enduring and I believe were named Women of Valor (the name of the movie too) and received bronze medals. What a calling, what a caring calling, a sacrificial one. More power to you.